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Beez 2.0 is a versatile, easy to customise template that works for a variety of sites. It meets major accessibility standards and demonstrates a range of css and javascript techniques. It is the default template that installs with Joomla!

As an owner of a property in Panorama Village there are certain City of Hemet and Village requirements you must comply with regarding the number of rentals in the neighborhood. If your property was purchased prior to 2008, there are no restrictions on number of rentals before a new application can be approved. You must check with the office for more detailed information and fill out the proper forms to be considered.

The City of Hemet also requires a business license that needs renewed annually. Information about that program can be found on their website at That license must be submitted to the Panorama Village office or you will be subject to a fine and your information will be submitted to the City. 

Click on the article below to read. You must have Adobe

Acrobat to open the community forms/files.

All forms need to be submitted to the office for approval.


 Notice to Caregivers  Architectural Complaint Form

Property Rental Information

 Architectural Improvement Form
Documents by Email Form  Healthcare Provider Agreement
HOA Payment By Credit Card Consent Form  

Joomla! Debug Console


Profile Information

Memory Usage

Database Queries